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Best Business Apps: Small Business Marketing Strategy

If you’re a local business and looking for a small business marketing strategy that works, then you need to invest in the best apps for business advertising. Business apps are quickly becoming the new search engine for mobile and tablet searches, and taking advantage of this technology is now affordable for small businesses.

Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses

Marketing is generally one of the most expensive items for any small business, but it is vital for growth. Traditional marketing strategies like flyers and postcards can work extremely well, but as more and more people rely on their mobile phones for instant information and get used to instant gratification when searching for information; This is the ideal way to promote. Email marketing is estimated to only have a 4% open and read rate, thus 96% of the cost of email marketing is wasted. Mobile marketing has a 97% open and read rate and is also found in your local mobile customers that they carry with them all day.

One of the biggest advantages of mobile marketing is the ability to reach people instantly. With push notifications, you can send a daily special, and the highest percentage of notifications are read within an hour of being sent. This means you can bring customers through the door within minutes of sending your notification.

No other marketing tool, with the exception of Google Maps, gives you a geographically specific audience for your small business marketing strategy. By making use of these two new technologies, you can dominate your market and ensure that you only use permission-based marketing.

What are the best business apps?

Making use of interactive apps for your business marketing will ensure that your customers keep coming back for more. Some of the best features included in the apps are rewards programs that offer free offers after a certain amount of purchases or discounts for loyal customers. A one-touch contact button means ease of use and making use of GPS features means being able to deliver fun, interactive offers to those who venture within a radius of your store.

Your app should also include unlimited notifications so you can offer as many special offers to as many local residents as you want without incurring additional costs. The best enterprise apps should involve a one-time installation and development fee with a low monthly maintenance and support cost. Until recently, small businesses may have found the $5 to $15,000 price tag well beyond their reach for development costs, and thankfully this is no longer necessary. For an initial investment of around $1500 for development and less than $40 monthly service fee, you can have unlimited notifications.


The New York Times stated that mobile marketing is the most powerful medium ever invented and now is the time to take advantage of it and grow your business. You can start marketing your business to local residents and you can start seeing results from the very first notification push. As a small business marketing strategy, investing in the best business apps means spending less and reaching more customers who want your services and products.

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