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Benefits of Choosing an Elliptical Trainer

Elliptical trainers were once the new kid on the block in terms of fitness equipment. Today, they are standard equipment in almost all commercial gyms and most home gyms. The elliptical trainer offers a high or low intensity workout, as needed by the user, without the stress associated with other forms of cardiovascular exercise on the joints and lower back.

low impact training

As more and more research is conducted in the field of aging and exercise, it is clear that our older population needs regular exercise to maintain optimal health and reduce the signs of aging in the body. The aging population is probably the least supported when it comes to staying fit. There are plenty of cardio exercises out there, but few that offer a good cardio burn with no impact on the body. The elliptical trainer is different.

When jogging, the impact on the body is 2 1/2 times your body weight. That means the average 150-pound person will put 425 pounds of pressure on their lower body with each step. Getting your heart rate up may be easy while jogging or running, but the effect on the wallet when the doctor bills start piling up will scream a different story. The stress of running and even walking takes a toll on the knees, back, ankles, and feet.

Exercising on a treadmill may seem like a healthy alternative. Treadmills come with cushions that lessen the impact on your joints, but the impact is still there. Combining that impact with being overweight, the damage on a treadmill can reach physically detrimental proportions. The elliptical trainer works by defying the impact of gravity on your joints while maintaining a steady training pace. The heart gets the workout it needs while the rest of the body is left alone to feel the healthy burn.

The movement of the elliptical machine is where the big difference shows up. The pedal rotates in an elliptical motion, hence the name of the machine. The pedals float at the speed of your stride and adjust as your stride adjusts.

The full body workout

There are additional benefits to using an elliptical trainer instead of a treadmill, jogging, or walking. Many people try to keep their arms moving while running or walking, but as they get tired, the movement is forced and does little to affect heart rate. An elliptical with arm handles can be purchased to increase upper body movement and increase heart rate during a workout. Therefore, the elliptical can actually provide a better workout with fewer strides than walking or jogging.

How to buy your elliptical

If the benefits of the elliptical machine have you searching for your next home fitness equipment, there are a few tips that can help make the process go more smoothly.

Front-wheel drive ellipticals and rear-wheel drive ellipticals work different leg muscles. While both provide a workout with reduced joint impact, the front-drive elliptical works more like a stepper, while the rear-drive feels like a jogger. Higher-end elliptical machines often come with heart rate monitors, adjustable heights, multiple programmed workouts, and better-quality components. Lower-end ellipticals can work as well, but it’s important to buy a machine that feels good through your stride with proper handle placement for optimal fitness.

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