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Be Happier Now: 3 Things to Avoid & 3 Easy Things to Do to Be Happier Now

Even if you’re not one of the lucky ones who feels genetically predisposed to happiness, you can change how you feel by changing the way you think and by changing some of the actions you take. With just a little practice, you can choose happy. Here are six simple and easy things you can do to start becoming a happy person right now.

3 things to avoid

1. Listen/Watch/Read the news first thing in the morning and just before bed.

First thing in the morning and just before you go to bed, your brain is in a relaxed state and you are very receptive to suggestions. Listening to or watching the news first thing in the morning can leave you in a negative mood for the whole day. In the same way, just before bed, when you have already relaxed, your brain is relaxed and preparing for the dream time to process your experiences and everything that is on your mind.

Ending the day with the powerful negative stimuli provided by the evening news, especially if you watch it on TV that stimulate both the visual and auditory cognitive centers, dump a lot of stressful information into your relaxed brain which soaks it up like a sponge. Avoid the news and any violent TV shows before bed. You’ll rest easier and have sweeter dreams if you stop entering negative thoughts and images right before bed.

2. Playing “I can beat your horror story”

Although this is often a favorite activity at work and social gatherings, unless you make it really fun, stop telling your “horror stories” about work, relationships/marriage/divorce, pregnancy/birth, airports, renovations,… anything.

Telling and retelling negative stories keeps them active in your mind and imagination. The human need to reciprocate will cause all your friends and colleagues to tell similar stories of their own, and before you know it, they’ll all be reactivating their negative experiences and everyone’s mood will plummet.

The more often your subconscious hears, remembers, thinks about the same story, the more deeply it imprints itself and the more true it becomes through the sheer force of repetition. If you want to be happy, stop repeating out loud the setbacks, annoyances, and minor and major tragedies of your life, and talk about happy things.

3. Hang out with negative people

Do your best to avoid constant complaints. In order to be happy, it is very important to have friends and well-wishers, but you need people who are optimists, and not those who incessantly complain, complain, and nag. These people can absorb energy and sunlight from your psyche just by walking into a room.

If you can’t avoid this type of person (perhaps it’s your spouse, your mother, or your best friend), be kind and let them know that you still care. Let them know that as part of your new approach to a happy life, you will help them find positive solutions to their problems. If he still just wants to complain, try your best to change the subject. If this doesn’t work, try meridian tapping or EFT to keep your own balance until you can change the subject.

3 easy things to do to be a happier person now

1. Smile

Did you know that the simple physical act of smiling releases endorphins and dopamine (pleasure chemicals) in your brain? So even if you don’t feel happy at first, the mere act of smiling makes you feel good. It may seem like you’re putting the cart before the horse, but it really works, so give it a try.

2. Laugh out loud

Like smiling, the physical act of laughing causes your body to release feel-good chemicals into your brain. The skin and muscles of the face are directly connected to the hypothalamus, the brain organ that regulates mood. Laughing triggers the release of happy hormones, so try to find things to laugh about whenever possible to feel good and improve your mood.

In fact, laughing is so good for you that there are now classes in something called “Laughter Yoga.” Active laughter can give your core a great workout. Add this to sending pleasure chemicals to your brain and having fun just because you’re laughing, and you have plenty of reasons to go ahead and LOL as often as you can!

3. Get out and breathe

And get some sun if you can. Seeing things green and alive is an automatic mood, just like getting a hit of vitamin D from the sun. Breathing fresh air and seeing the sky feels good. The full spectrum of natural light is a treat for eyes strained by the strobing effect of fluorescent lights. Even going outside in the rain or winter weather can give you a boost by giving you a reason to breathe in the sweet, ozone-rich air of rainy weather, or the cool, dry coolness of winter cold.

© Jacqueline R. Isaac, 2010

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