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Badminton basics

Badminton is one of the most popular sports in the Olympic Games. Many people like this indoor sport as it is easy to learn and very practical. It can help you achieve a healthy body as most of the muscles in your body contract during play.

Badminton was first played by children in India. It was previously known to be a battle dog. The name changed to badminton due to the Duke who used to practice the sport in a hall called Badminton House. Many changes have been made to the game. You can play with an opponent or singles or you can have a partner to play against two people or doubles.


You only need to hit the shuttlecock to the opposite side where your opponent is positioned. Your opponent will also hit the shuttlecock towards you. This is done repeatedly until the steering wheel falls to the ground. You will get the score if your opponent dropped the shuttlecock on its side or the shuttlecock came out after he hit it.


Long ago, you would get a score when your opponent made a mistake like dropping the shuttle on your side of the court. You will be awarded one point each time and whoever gets 15 points first will be declared the winner. Today you will need to have 21 points to win the set and you will have to be successful in 2 games to win.


Before badminton became so popular, it was actually played elsewhere and not necessarily on the courts. Today badminton courts are needed to play. The court is 20 feet wide and 44 feet long. There is also a net in the middle that is 5 feet tall. The badminton court resembles that of the volleyball and tennis courts.


Before you can play badminton, you will need to purchase few equipment to play. You will need a racket and a shuttle. Your rocket needs to be light to transport so that it can hit the shuttle efficiently. You should use a shuttle cock that is shaped like a cone and has a skirt. Most shuttlecocks use feathers as a skirt, but many manufacturers use synthetic materials for the skirt.

Badminton is an enjoyable and fun sport to practice. You will feel healthier because you will burn a lot of calories while playing. It also makes you more active and energetic. You just need to remember the basic facts about the game.

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