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Avocado for vaginal yeast infection

There is no food that is the complete answer to yeast infection, but avocados are an example of a food that is effective in restoring the proper intestinal context to stop aggravated vaginal infection. Does this mean that an eating plan that includes avocado will help patients get better faster? Well maybe. 75% of women, mainly in developed countries, will experience a vaginal infection at least once in their lives, while 7% will have to endure chronic vaginal yeast infection, also known as vaginal yeast infection. It is a common problem among women. Vaginal yeast infection has many symptoms ranging from discharge that often looks like cottage cheese because it is thick and white, and the symptoms are often redness and itching in the vaginal areas that can be very intense.

Although Candida is normally found in the body (intestine), when Candida in the intestine grows disproportionately due to some irregularities, it leads to systemic and local infections. Many things can cause the irregularities in the intestine, but one of the possible or common factors is the disturbance of the acid-alkaline balance both in the intestine and in the blood.

To keep Candida under control and in balance, proper diet and nutrition is required. That’s where avocados, carrots, apricots, figs, cucumber, lemon, soybeans, tomatoes, grapefruit, spinach, almonds, asparagus, cabbage, and lettuce come in. All of these foods are examples of alkali-forming foods, which is good for maintaining the body’s pH level. Eating more alkaline foods is a necessary step toward a comprehensive treatment that is natural in its approach to yeast infection.

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