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Attitude determines your happiness and life purpose

Your life is a reflection of your attitudes. Sometimes attitude is an essential mental sphere of life that individuals struggle with some difficulty or with great ease; the reason is that the way one sees life differs from one individual to another.

A positive attitude, however, is not a destination. It is a lifestyle. If you really want to be happy, no one can stop you from being so. That’s the way it is.

Arthur C. Benson has said: “The essence of a happy life is never to find life dull, never to feel the ugly weariness that comes with overexertion; to be fresh, cheerful, leisurely, sociable, unhurried, well balanced. I It seems impossible to be these things unless we have time to consider life a little, to deliberate, to select, to abstain.” Likewise, this Bible verse from Ephesians 4:31 has a deep meaning in life by having an attitude of forgiveness and kindness: “Remove from you all bitterness, anger, anger, shouting and insults, and all malice. and be kind to one another, merciful, forgiving one another.”

The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible. It is attitude, not aptitude, that determines your happiness. A positive person is the seed of a positive result, and we know it as a universal phenomenon. In this sense, it is like imagining that if you make a child happy now, you will make him happy twenty years from now by remembering it.

The biggest mistake of all that you sometimes make is overcoming situations where you could make a mistake. However, you will only get as far as you think you can because the positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible. If you don’t like something else, change it! If you can’t change what you want to change, change your attitude, just don’t complain. Right attitudes produce right actions. I once found myself reading this poetic line from Jean Paul Richter. He said: “Go through life with gentle influences breathing around you. Hold your heart high above the earth’s multicolored mist and its storm clouds.”

In Julio Melara’s book You only need everything you have, Julio, at the beginning of his book, wrote that reading gives you the right attitude for the day… writing makes your creativity flow… and running makes your body better shape. Julio Melara lives in a “quest to be the best”… “a man on fire”.

It makes a lot of sense when Julio Melara writes about himself meeting thousands of people who want to change their circumstances but don’t want to change themselves. “To change your external circumstances,” he said, “you must change the things that happen inside your minds and hearts.” This would mean that he must reexamine and reassess the way he thinks and the way he responds to life’s daily challenges. And it all starts with “taking action,” he says.

If you think that you have already made your life 100%, it is because your attitude is everything! Sure you can do everything, but we also know you can’t do it all at once, unless it’s really important enough for you to do it. As they say, whether a glass is half full or half empty depends on the attitude of the person looking at it. So there is a way to do it. Find them.

Former United States President Abraham Lincoln was a great role model who revealed to humanity the relationship between our choices and their effects on who we are. Interestingly, Lincoln stated that “every man over the age of 40 is responsible for his face. Who you are and how you think can also be read on your face,” he said.

Attitude is so vital to your life purpose and happiness that Norman Vincent Peale himself commented:

“Any event we face is not as important as our attitude towards it, because that determines our success or failure.”

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