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Aspiration, ability, networking and self-confidence should help happiness

Happiness is the prerequisite of a happy life. Sounds simplistic at least and idiotic at most, right? However, it is fundamental to your way of life if you want to be happy. Translated it means that everything must serve your happiness.

If something is put above your own happiness, then you will not be happy. When everything is used to help your happiness, your life will be in order. The purpose of life, to my way of thinking, is to be happy. If anything gets in the way of that, your life will be less than it can or could be.

Let’s take the aspiration. What do you aspire to? What is your ambition? Would you be a millionaire at 35? Would you be a rock star at 25? Would you be happily married with a family at 36? Have you received your earned doctorate yet? Made a real difference in the world yet?

Ambitions are good and sometimes even noble. But if you push happiness aside, what good is it? I have met many well educated people who are sad. I have coached many, many couples over the years of my active career who are not happy and their marriages were miserable. I’ve only met two or three self-made millionaires. Guess what? They were not happy with their money.

You have skills. One or more of your abilities are going to be superior to mine, for sure. You need to use your abilities to be who you are. However, I have experienced many people who had abilities ranging from mediocre to brilliant and were using them, but they subordinated happiness to their abilities. You can guess what I’m going to say. They weren’t happy. In many cases, they were so focused on showing off their skills that happiness was left in the dust as they whizzed past in their skill machines.

Develop your powers. But never forget that if they do not help your happiness, you have lost the purpose of life.

Networking is an essential tool for human commerce, and I am not just referring to trade in goods and services. I am also referring to the social interaction that has become the fabric of the free and developed nations of the world. Networking even played a significant, if not essential, role in things like the Arab Spring.

You may be well connected socially. More power to you. You may have thousands of followers on Twitter and thousands of friends on Facebook. Even Google+ is expanding its links. But even with all your social contacts, are you happy? I mean beyond being happy with all his tweets and messages.

Keeping in touch with friends via Skype is great, but what if you still feel lonely? Are you pouring out your happiness to your friends, or are your friends pouring out what you hope and want to be: happy?

Unless your life springs from the bliss you feel within from your own happiness, your life will have little or no meaning even with 5,000 friends. Sharing is wonderful and even more so when you have something to share: yourself.

Finally, for today, when you have a core of happiness that nothing can negatively touch or destroy, your confidence is strong and constant. Knowing that nothing can ultimately disturb the peace that comes from happiness gives you a foundation on which to confidently build the entire infrastructure and exterior of your life.

This is the confidence that you yourself support and care for you, even if no one or nothing else supports you. You feel that your place is well occupied by you in the world. You feel fine most of the time, about 90%. You feel like nothing and no one can reach you.

Yes, you will have setbacks, everyone does. But you feel like you can overcome or overcome those setbacks and go on very well with your life, thank you.

Do you see how this, as well as the others, help your happiness? Confidence serves you by making your continued life of happiness essentially easier. As if confidence is a lubricant to help you keep engaging the right gears to keep your life moving in the direction you want.

You don’t use trust to make yourself happy. You use happiness to help you feel secure because nothing can ultimately determine the path you choose.

Make use of everything and everyone to help your happiness. Start now.

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