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Answers to questions about leg fat: how to lose weight from legs

I’m going to answer 2 common questions about leg fat that I get all the time. In this article, I will show you how to lose weight from your legs. The good news is that it is easier than you think. The bad news is that you still have to do what I’m about to suggest (it’s really not much, you’ll see). Read this now if you are desperate to lose leg fat.

Leg Fat Questions Answered

Q: How do I lose fat from my inner thighs?

A: The best way to do this is to walk up and down stairs for 15 minutes every day. So my question to you is, do you have stairs in your house or in the building you live in? If so, you can’t beat this exercise. It’s so easy too. Nothing to think about. Just do it. The results come. It is almost 100% safe. Go up 1-4 flights of stairs and then back down. I suggest you do this AT LEAST 5 days a week. Look, that’s barely an hour of your time. With 168 hours in a week, you really have no excuse not to do this. The only excuse I’ll accept is that you live in a one-story country house.

Q: How do I reduce or eliminate cellulite on my legs?

A: Well, to be honest, this is really hard. But it is possible to reduce cellulite in 2 different ways. First, you can jump on a mini-trampoline for 15 minutes a day. This helps loosen the lymphatic blockage in your legs, which will help decrease the appearance of dimpling in your legs and buttocks. Or, you can use a foam roller and roll your legs back and forth over it for 5 minutes a day. In essence, this helps “squeeze out” and soften pockets of fat while improving lymphatic flow.

This is how to slim down your legs and make them look better. The answers to these 2 leg fat questions will help better guide you in your efforts to have slimmer, slimmer, sexier legs.

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