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A brief history of cross stitch

Cross-stitch dates back to the 6th or 7th century as a form of counted-thread embroidery. It was originally used to decorate household items such as napkins, tablecloths, and even cushions, often with floral or geometric motifs. Most of the early pieces were worked in black and red cotton thread over a plain linen fabric, giving them a rather distinctive look much appreciated by collectors and enthusiasts looking for a traditional look today. Designs have even been found in Coptic tombs in Egypt, almost perfectly preserved thanks to the dry climate of the desert regions.

Henry VIII’s first wife, Catherine of Aragon, brought a sewing technique called blackwork to England from her native Spain. Blackwork is now believed to have greatly influenced the development of modern cross-stitch embroidery. In fact, Catherine used to embroider the king’s shirts herself, which caused a sensation in her time.

Most of the historical pieces are preserved in the form of specimens, often in the form of a prayer, psalm, or other popular motto or saying. In 1797, many children at an orphanage near Calcutta, Bengal, were given the unusual task of translating the longest chapter in the Bible, Psalm 19, into cross-stitch form.

Many sewing pattern books were very popular in Europe and America during the 17th century, often featuring a variety of swatches as examples and inspirations. Patterns were usually printed as black squares or dots on the page, leaving the choice of colors to the embroiderer, a very sensible thing to do at a time when brightly colored threads were extremely expensive and many poor craftsmen had to dye your own yarn with anything. materials they had on hand!

The earliest surviving sample with a date was sewn by an English girl named Jane Bostocke in 1598. The nature of her style and motifs has led many historians to believe that she had access to an earlier version of a pattern book. Jane’s sampler contains floral and animal patterns, as well as a full English alphabet.

Modern cross stitch is often considered separate from embroidery. It is now generally considered to be done almost exclusively with cross-stitch kits, which contain all the necessary fabric, needles, and threads along with a detailed pattern and how-to guide. While some people still work patterns on cushions or tablecloths, most sewing kits are now geared toward producing elaborate swatch-style pictures or projects that can be hung decoratively. Embroidery is normally used to refer almost exclusively to the type of stitching that is done on another object, such as a cushion or a pair of curtains, which is often done to a less strict pattern. This allows more freedom in design, but is also considered much more difficult, which is why it is often the exclusive province of highly skilled sewing hobbyists or professional sewing artists.

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