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5 ways to take control of your content marketing

Content creation can be considered from different points of view. Some of the web content developers create content for the sake of the audience while others create content for the sake of the search engines. The need for content cannot be stressed enough in the online sector. Content drives a large number of visitors to your website, builds trust with your audience, answers questions, etc.

When it comes to content marketing, you should prioritize quality over quantity. The content is produced primarily for the benefit of the user. When producing your content, consider keeping it original, useful, and up-to-date. Your content should also be relevant to attract more shares and links. Before creating content, understand your users and what they need to keep them intact. Maintain a high level of originality in your content by letting it flow.

The following 5 tips, provided by Ryan Johnson, Senior Sales Manager at Semalt Digital Services, will help you analyze and take control of your content marketing.

1. Top content

Being one of the best web content developers takes a bit of experience and taking control of content marketing in general. To keep users engaged, you need to create content on pages that have high exit rates or bounce rates. Bounce rates help measure the number of users or visitors who visited a certain page and left without visiting any other page. Exit rates help measure the number of users who visited the given page, then left your website but had the opportunity to browse other pages before the given page.

Content optimization contained on pages that have low average page times and high page views always keep users engaged. Always look for the trend of the content on the main pages to get ideas on what content to develop, mainly the topic to focus on at any given time.

Before creating content, consider reviewing the top pages to get an idea of ​​trends over a given time period.

2. Landing pages

Visitors play a key role in conversion by visiting after landing pages. Landing pages are where your users begin their adventure on your site. However, superior content should not be ignored. The Landing Pages report is located under Landing Pages, an icon below the behavior.

The landing page helps web content developers learn the principles contained in the higher-performing pages and apply the practices learned to the lower-performing pages. Visit the pages with low conversion rates or high bounce rates and fix any issues you may find on those pages. Also, evaluate sidebars with unrelated content and content on pages with high bounce rates.

To be on the safe side, break down your traffic by source before you start evaluating the top and bottom pages. Increase conversion rates on pages that are already generating traffic and you will have made quick profits on your SEO campaign.

3. Exit pages

Creating content on various topics may not be as valuable to your site. For example, a visitor may visit your site, such as content for a specific keyword, go to the next product, click on it, and leave the site. That will outperform your site, even if it has been ranked high for a certain keyword.

The exit pages report helps a developer find the pages that are driving traffic away. Creating closely related content helps track what content is engaging users and what is turning them away. If by any chance your top exit pages and top landing pages are the same, you’re in a good position to increase conversions on your site.

4. The flow of visitors

The flow of visitors is very categorical and contains some columns. The first column of the visitor flow indicates where a user entered the site. The second column shows the landing page. The different blocks of the visitor flow are connected by blue lines, where the thickness of the blue line represents the number of visitors following that path. The visitor flow also contains a red line indicating a point where the user left off.

To increase conversions, identify the point at which visitors leave and produce content that can be reproduced with the flow of the visitor. Also, consider linking your featured pages to other pages for a better user experience and flow. Always spend some time monitoring how your users interact with your site pages and content to have an effective SEO campaign.

5. The Penguin Tool

The Penguin tool is widely used in comparing Google algorithm updates and Google Analytics data. Overlaying the Penguin tool with other updates helps pinpoint the cause of possible traffic fluctuation on your site. Panda updates target low-quality and duplicate content. In addition, the Panda update will measure the level of progress of your site.

Web content developers should create content for the benefit of users and visitors, rather than for the good of Google. Generate content that adds value to your target audience, customers, and readers. The points discussed above will help you have an effective SEO campaign and take control of your content marketing.

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