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4 quick tips to get back in the swing of things when you’ve lost motivation

It’s been a couple of weeks since Hurricane Irma made landfall. And, while she’s gone, among the many things she took from us, she took with her the motivation of many people.

I realized that people are still upside down from the hurricane. Some, rightly so. If you have lost a loved one or lost your home, it can take years to even begin to get over something like this. But in today’s message, I’m going to speak to those who did not lose a loved one or their home.

I know that recovering after an event like Irma can be difficult, but we have to do it. Events of all kinds pass through our lives like hurricanes sometimes. They sweep and stir everything in sight and then suddenly disappear only to leave behind a mess that we have to clean up. Relationships, a long absence from work, or being sick can turn our lives upside down and make us less motivated. There are many of these events that have happened and will happen in our lives, but there comes a point where you have to get back into the swing of things.

Here are 4 quick tips to get back in the swing of things when you’ve lost motivation.

1. Spend time with people who revitalize you.

If you want a double dose of motivation and a full cup of inspiration, hang out with the entrepreneurs of the world. Find the people in your circle who are striving to achieve goals, overcoming obstacles and achieving results. The more time you spend with them, the more apt you’ll be to get back into the swing of things. Host meetings with these entrepreneurs, take them out to lunch, or even follow them on social media and get inspired by what they’re doing and where they’re going.

2. Rewrite your goals and then put them in front of you.

Don’t just pull out your targets, reread them and put them in the drawer. Write a new copy of your goals; fresh and clean. Then print at least 5 copies and post those goals everywhere. Even put them as the background of your phone. You need to see these goals all the time to re-motivate yourself. The more often you see these goals, the sooner you’ll see them become a “sign” that you need to move on and accomplish these things.

3. Create an upbeat environment.

For Irma, if your storm shutters are still open, lower them. In the case of a broken relationship, remove the photo of the two of you happily in love. Instead of surrounding yourself with the same problem that demotivates you and causes depressing thoughts, change your surroundings with more inspiration. I get that another hurricane MAY come one day, but those storm shutters are blocking out the sun and the beauty around you today. put them down In the case of a broken relationship, I understand that you loved that person, but they are no longer in your life, put photos of good times with family and friends in their place; your current support systems. Consider creating collages of your goals and dreams and post them too. Post inspirational quotes and funny memes to make you laugh. Intentionally create a fun and motivating environment and it will rub off on your life.

4. Create a to-do list.

One of the hard things about getting into the swing of things is seeing how far behind you are. Talk about the demotivation of seeing 100+ emails, a full voicemail, two weeks of backed up to-dos plus rescheduled meetings. Start small. Create a to-do list and prioritize them. Maybe wake up an hour earlier or stay an hour later just for a week to lighten the load a bit. Make sure you stick to your list and priorities and stay focused. If you let distractions get in your way, you’ll continue to feel like you’re not making progress. Stay focused and get to work.

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