Month: 1 year ago

Business admin 

passion for light

EARLY As a child I used to make Christmas cards for my family, small scenes of a house covered in snow. I glued glitter to the snow, and that was magical too, because the snow I had painted reflected light, just like real snow. Everyone in my family liked the cards. Later, in art school, […]

Digital Marketing admin 

Find freelance jobs

The biggest challenge every freelancer faces in their career is finding a freelance job. Whether you are a newer or successful freelancer, landing freelance jobs as per your choice is the most challenging task. We are sharing here some proven methods that can open up new avenues of freelance opportunities and a great chance to […]

Relationship admin 

consequences of fornication

The great Isaac Newton stated in his third law of motion that “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” This means that every action has a reaction. In life everything we do, big or small, good or bad, has a consequence that can be positive or negative. The consequences can be abrupt […]