Category: Technology

Technology admin 

6 ways to choose video games for kids

Video games are the popular gifts for kids today. As a parent, you need to ensure that the games your children play are fun, affordable, and safe. It is true that video games should not be the main source of entertainment for your children, but playing games from time to time will not hurt. Here […]

Technology admin 

History of video games in a nutshell

The history of the video game does not go back centuries, but it goes back further than you imagined. The oldest ancestor of the game we play today is a game called “Tennis for Two” which was introduced by inventor John Higginbotham in 1958. This video game consisted of a horizontal line across the screen […]

Technology admin 

Goodbye prostate!

August 2014 and I will meet with my GP for a follow-up to my annual physical exam. I feel quite confident because despite being 68 years old I have always maintained my weight, I exercise, eat well and take my vitamins. I’ve never smoked, well at least not since I left the Navy about 44 […]

Technology admin 

High-end security solutions: biometric access control

With the rapid advancement of technology, the issue of technical security becomes more and more complex by the day. Access control and biometric access control are the latest high-end security solutions that can help you protect your technical assets. Biometric access control is a definitive security solution. High-end facial recognition software is an advanced access […]

Technology admin 

What is your favorite flour?

Flour has always been an integral element of the fundamentals of Indian food. It doesn’t matter if the cuisine is from North India, South, East or West; Every housewife relies heavily on a basic type of flour for her daily preparations. The interesting thing is that most modern Indian cuisines rely heavily on a particular […]