Category: Pets

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4 benefits of holistic medicine

Holistic medicine is meant to focus on the whole being of a person. This provides a more holistic approach to healing and focuses on spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well-being. The ability to focus on multiple areas makes it possible to diagnose the root cause of a disease or other complaint and aims to eliminate […]

Pets admin 

Renew your life with lemongrass oil

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) essential oil has a pleasant fresh lemon scent. Its regulating and toning action makes it an excellent tonic for body, mind and spirit. Lemongrass has an affinity for the semi-precious stone Citrine. Citrine is called “merchant’s stone”. Placing a citrine crystal in the cash drawer helps the merchant generate income. It not […]

Pets admin 

Are you hiring employees or retailers?

There is a difference … and you and your people must live with it! If you sell larger ticket items for the most part, hopefully some real “salespeople” will work for you. Most of the time, typical retailers are the ones you often find running a small retail store. And I certainly understand that they […]

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Puggles history

Puggles are a relatively new breed and whenever you are looking for Puggle puppies for sale, you will likely find something different each time. Although this breed of dog has only been around for a little over ten years, not much is known about the first Puggle that was created or where it was raised. […]

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How to stop a dachshund from chewing

The first is the first; Chewing is a natural behavior for dachshunds, especially puppies. Dachshund chewing isn’t something you can stop, all you can do is redirect chewing to an acceptable item, providing enough interesting toys and activities that your Dachshund doesn’t want to destroy his stuff. Should you stop chewing on your dachshund puppy? […]

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Vital needs of a French bulldog

Dogs are different, even within the same breed there are no two different dogs. Each dog is a unique individual and should be considered as such. Frenchie, like other dogs, have special needs that will keep them comfortable, healthy, and at their best. The vital needs of a French bulldog are: Own shelter French bulldogs […]

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Can ghosts hurt you? I hear a child cry!

David and Mary had bought an old house that they were setting up as an office for the two of them, as well as an apartment upstairs. They called me because when they started the remodel, Mary had sensed the presence of a child downstairs who was crying. Every time he passed, he heard the […]

Pets admin 

Choosing a family dog ​​that can also babysit

Breed: Newfoundland Classification: Workgroup Weight: 110-176 pounds (50-80 kg) Height: 68 – 75 cm (27 – 30 inches) Life expectancy: 8 – 13 years Earning the reputation of “Nanny Dog” due to history, the Newfoundland dog breed has a calm nature, the strong and quiet type. The breed has a sweet temperament and is used […]