Category: Lifestyle Fashion

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

Tips for Strategic Fundraising Planners

Fundraising may sound like a simple event with little activities meant to entice people to contribute to something you believe in. In reality, fundraising can be anything but simple. Any professional fundraiser would tell you how detailed and intricate the entire process is. For a fundraiser to be successful, it must have its own strategic […]

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

7 healthy foods to help you burn calories

You may be aware that certain foods can help increase your metabolism and reduce body fat. Yes, there are some fat burning foods that help create a thermogenic effect in your body that can play a critical role in helping you lose weight. Weight control is very important as it affects all aspects of your […]

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

4 types of narcissism share a central trait

There are four main types of narcissism. Researchers have been searching for the core of narcissism that all narcissists share despite varying symptoms and severity. Narcissists use a variety of tactics and defenses to keep you insecure and ensure your status and needs are met. It’s easy to get confused, but it’s important to understand […]

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

How to lose 100 pounds in 2 weeks

Recent studies show that there has been a greater increase in the number of obsessed Americans compared to the last 50 years. Hectic lifestyle coupled with stress is the main reason. Lack of an active lifestyle and unhealthy eating makes this even worse. Obese people are at increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, […]

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

Why is spinach good for you?

Popeye was right about spinach: spinach is a superfood that helps your body perform at its best. A diet rich in vegetables, such as spinach, gives your body what it needs to stay healthy. Nutritionists recommend eating four or more servings of vegetables a day. Because spinach is so healthy, it is suggested that you […]

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

I can’t hit in my dreams

Bearing in mind that dreams are 99 percent of the time, symbolic games carried out by the subconscious mind. Each root meaning unfolds in what appear to be unrelated events, but are actually very closely related when you think in terms of meaning, emotion, and symbols. It’s just another language. But it is a logical […]