Category: Lifestyle Fashion

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

How can you fade age spots?

By the time most of us realize the importance of taking care of our skin, the damage has already been done. Some studies show that UV damage that causes skin cancer develops largely in children under the age of five, only to manifest itself decades later. However, it’s never too late to start taking better […]

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

Do you know the dark side of hypnosis?

I am a big fan of hypnosis. I firmly believe, no, I know, that with more and better hypnosis in the world, we would solve so many ‘unsolvable’ problems. Sure, that’s true of a lot of things. The world would be a better place with more and better education, medicine, food, compassion… But hypnosis is […]

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

Antifungal diet: to treat yeast infections

Although not as popular, following an antifungal diet is a good treatment for yeast infections. The body naturally produces yeast. However, when the body produces too much yeast, it manifests itself externally in warm, moist parts of our body. This is the reason why yeast cultures form in the oral cavity or vagina. Since yeast […]

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

How to find a good cosmetic dentist

Your search for a cosmetic dentist can begin by asking friends and family for recommendations. Find people who have done the work you need and ask them how satisfied they were with their dentist. Note the names of those who liked and disliked, as both can be helpful in making a general list. It is […]