Category: Gaming

Gaming admin 

The benefits of buying a home in Atlantica online

In the September 2010 update, the Home addition was introduced to Atlantans. Houses can only be purchased through the NPC called Caitsith, who is found in Rome in the “My Home” area. You can quickly access the My Home area by clicking on the Rome icon and you should now see a menu list for […]

Gaming admin 

Marvel Comics Costumes for Boys and Girls

Whether you are a kid or not, you probably know Marvel Comics. It is one of the most famous comics in the world. It was acquired by Disney in 2009. Marvel Comics was founded by Martin Goodman in 1939. It was with The Fantastic Four that Marvel gained worldwide recognition. Stan Lee created many cartoons […]

Gaming admin 

Why you shouldn’t cheat in games

A game is supposed to be played in the manner of a gentleman. There is a very nice term that is taught to almost any aspiring cool in any type of game. It’s – ‘Sportsmanship’. The term sounds so small but it has profound implications. As a player, you can show off your sportsmanship only […]

Gaming admin 

Pre-order culture and downloadable content – solved!

One of the biggest problems in games is the culture that has developed around downloadable content and pre-order video games. It has completely gotten out of control. These problems are actually two completely independent issues, overlapping significantly. The reason I am linking them is because they both have the same solution, which I will refer […]

Gaming admin 

Public speaking: accessories

When speaking in public, the term “props” is a shortened version of the theatrical term “property”, a word used to describe any object manipulated or used by an actor in a performance. As a speaker, you are an interpreter, believe it or not. You have an obligation to use all necessary means to get your […]