Category: Business

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Ethical Considerations in Iterative Design

Iterative Design A product development process that involves iterative design is one that involves creating prototypes of a new product and then testing those prototypes with actual users. The goal is to refine the product over time and create a final product that will meet user needs and be commercially successful. The iterative design process […]

Business admin 

Mac’s Milk – Franchise Review

Mac’s Milk is a convenience store chain in Canada. It originally opened in 1961, in Ontario. In 1972, it was purchased by Silverwoods, and in 1975, it changed its name from Mac’s Milk to Mac’s Convenience. In 1992, it underwent a corporate restructuring, focusing on smaller, more profitable retail stores. It was acquired by Alimentation […]

Business admin 

So erhalten Sie Geschenkkarten im Wert von 500 $ von Gshopper und EveryMarket

So erhalten Sie Geschenkkarten im Wert von 500 $ von Gshopper und EveryMarket Geschenkkarten sind eine großartige Möglichkeit, jemandem ein Geschenk zu machen, ohne sich Gedanken über die Größe oder den Stil des Gekauften machen zu müssen. Sie können auch tolle Schnäppchen machen, indem Sie die Angebote von Kreditkarten- und Cashback-Portalen kombinieren. Beispielsweise verkauft Sam’s […]

Business admin 

Top 10 Tax Deductible Expenses for Musicians

The IRS defines a business expense as something that is common, accepted, useful, and appropriate for your trade or business. Most musicians operate as sole proprietors, so they are considered a business that can take deductions from their expenses. Before you can make deductibles, you must file a Schedule C as part of your annual […]

Business admin 

A disappointment

At a time when faithful Republicans eagerly await the appearance or reappearance of their supposed Messiah, the rest of the country remains mired in a quagmire of economic instability. It is under the radar of the mainstream media that an undercurrent of ongoing angst continues to surface. The announcement in recent weeks of more corporate […]

Business admin 

Common Pressure Washing Injuries

Many people underestimate the power of a pressure washer. Serious or even fatal injuries can result from using pressure washers incorrectly or ignoring basic safety precautions. The two main types of pressure washers are electric and gas. Power machines emit water at pressures greater than 1,000 pounds per square inch (PSI). Many gas pressure washers […]