Category: Business

Business admin 

Travel Nursing Series: Travel Nursing in Greece

Why do people travel? Perhaps simple wanderlust prompts people to see new places and have new experiences or the need to get away from stress or everyday pressures at home or work. Some may want to make a religious pilgrimage to a holy site or a new career may appeal to them. Whatever the reason, […]

Business admin 

The 411 pager

Technological advances are constant and changing. In fact, it’s hard to keep up with all the new versions, updates and developments as they come out, usually when we’ve just discovered the latest device we bought. Sometimes it seems that an IT degree would be helpful in operating our smartphones. With most of the population carrying […]

Business admin 

Business Loans: Need to Start a Business

Is it possible to start your small business even with no cash on hand? The answer is yes! There are agencies, firms or banks where their sole mission is to help entrepreneurs start a business. This system is what we call commercial loan. The commercial loan is very common in the business world. The lender […]

Business admin 

Understanding Break-Even Financial Analysis

Most business owners are familiar with the big three financial documents: Profit and loss statement (income) Cash flow statement (or projection, when used for budget planning) scale sheet Those statements are compiled monthly, quarterly, and annually, and each provides useful information about the company’s fiscal health. The savvy business owner consults these statements each month, […]

Business admin 

3 tips for virtual networks 1 to 1

Networking experts can find helpful ways to stay connected after the kickoff meeting or networking event. 1-on-1 meetings give people the chance to connect even more without the distractions common during a typical function. These meetings also allow participants to obtain more information and use communication to promote their agendas. A great way to build […]

Business admin 

7 strategies for sustained innovation

The need for constant reinvention is a given in today’s business environment. And while an innovative product or concept can catapult an organization ahead of its competitors, in these fast-paced times, that advantage is often short-lived. While major product or service breakthroughs make headlines, it’s the constant incremental innovations made by employees every day that […]

Business admin 

How to invest and why you need a plan

What makes the rich rich? Looking at the spending pattern of various income groups in the US makes it clear: Savings. The real difference between rich and poor is that the rich spend more of their income on savings (pensions and insurance) and education. Source: WSJ, Department of Labor, When creating wealth, preserving it, and […]