Month: 1 year ago

Business admin 

How Do You Piano Transcribe Notes?

Piano Transcribe Notes Piano transcription is the process of writing down notes or chords from a piece of music. It’s not always easy, though, and the process takes a lot of time. Luckily, there are a few apps and resources to help you with your transcription project. The first step is to listen to […]

Tours Travel admin 

Low Back Pain – Origins of Internal Abdominal Muscle

This article is written at a level that requires some knowledge of anatomical attachments, ie: muscle origins and attachments, as well as muscle names. If you want to know more, I encourage you to search online for an anatomy atlas or dictionary to help you with the muscles and definitions you don’t understand. You can […]

Technology admin 

Confidence is more important than beauty

questions to her On our first date… Patrick took me to a Korean restaurant and ordered bulgogi (beef) and rice. She was extremely nervous because she didn’t know how to eat it and He was sitting across from me looking all handsome. At that time, he could barely use his chopsticks! Later that night we […]

Business admin 

Workforce development is more than just training

“Why should I train employees for my competitors? They’ll just leave after I invest in their training. I’m smarter than that – I focus on hiring people who are already trained for what we need!” I’m sure my jaw dropped when I heard that executive’s take on training during a recess at a Chamber of […]

Relationship admin 

The benefits of a buddy bed

Mates beds make small rooms bigger Mates beds are often used in children’s bedrooms when space is limited. The design is reminiscent of how beds are made on ships, with storage drawers under the mattress. Beds tend to be smaller and can sit lower to the floor than many other beds, making them perfect for […]

Health Fitness admin 

How much weight should you gain during pregnancy?

Typically, women obsess over their size, regardless of the health ramifications, and when they become pregnant, these attitudes persist. Society in general is afraid of fat, even during pregnancy. But healthy weight gain plays a huge role in a healthy pregnancy. By no means cut back on food as it deprives you of good nutrition […]