Month: 2 years ago

Health Fitness admin 

How do I gain weight?

While not as common a goal as losing weight, there are a significant number of people who have weight gain as their goal. The reasons are as varied as people, but can include wanting to gain weight to play a sport, wanting to put on a few pounds after rehabbing an injury, or simply being […]

Legal Law admin 

Risk Management for Professional Athletes

Lately, there have been a number of articles about professional athletes who have lost millions of dollars due to poor financial decisions. Athletes range from golfers to boxers to professional baseball players and their bad decision ranges from buying cars, women and tigers to battling gambling addictions and making bad business investments. There are also […]

Sports admin 

Why a Jacuzzi has more benefits than you think

When you think of a hot tub, you’re probably only thinking of one thing: luxury. Often seen as the preserve of the rich and famous, hot tubs are shorthand for decadent lifestyles, total relaxation, and a lack of free time. Of course, that’s not exactly the case. Prices have been falling for decades and with […]

Tours Travel admin 

Texas Small Business Health Insurance Basics

Finding the right group health plan for your business can be downright intimidating: sift through lists of insurance companies and plans; verify and re-verify dollars and totals for deductibles and copays; make sense of plan limitations and exclusions; deciphering the value of a dictionary of insurance jargon. It’s enough to make anyone feel like a […]