Month: 3 years ago

Tours Travel admin 

Reflections of world cruises

As a certified travel agent, international airline employee, researcher, writer, teacher and photographer for four decades, travel, whether for pleasure or business, has always been an important and integral part of my life. Some 400 trips to all parts of the world, by road, rail, sea and air, involved both worldly and exotic destinations. This […]

Technology admin 

Forest resource depletion

INTRODUCTION Echo systems around the world help support the lives of millions of species. Echo systems that are primarily forests provide a home for a vast majority of living species. Therefore, the trees in these forests are considered the most important species. While it is true, most species are not able to sustain themselves without […]

Health Fitness admin 

Diet and protein-rich bars

Getting enough protein to meet the requirements of a high-protein, low-carb, and low-fat diet can sometimes be challenging. This is usually true for breakfast and snacks, where protein-rich foods like lean meats and fish, beans, and nuts are not commonly consumed with typical Western diets. A great alternative is to have a supply of high-protein […]

Legal Law admin 

Fast Ivy League Admission Tips

The Ivy League is an athletic union of American educational institutes based in the northeastern United States, including Harvard, Yale, and Columbia University. Many people mistakenly believe that MIT and Stanford are members of this union. While we refer to these institutes in this article, they are not. There are a number of factors that […]

Technology admin 

Why Steel Roofing is a Good Choice For Your House

Steel Roofing The steel roofing of the buildings and the houses are made up from the recycled materials like steel of different length and gauge in a variety of colors and styles. The best thing is that there is no compromise on the quality of the material. This is what makes Barrie a preferred choice […]

Sports admin 

2015 Fantasy Football Sleepers

One of the keys to winning your fantasy football league is the ability to recruit Sleepers. The “sleepers” are NFL players who are drafted in much lower rounds in their fantasy football drafts than their final stats warrant. In terms of shopping, this is like getting a 22 oz bottle of Not Your Father’s Root […]