Month: 3 years ago

Legal Law admin 

Commercial Mortgage Loans – What Rates Do Hedge Funds Charge For Commercial Mortgages?

The ongoing credit crisis has made it much more difficult for investors to qualify for an institutionally funded commercial mortgage loan (bank, broker, insurance company). Underwriting standards have become significantly stricter and loan parameters have tightened. Banks are accepting very few transactions, and even fewer are closing.   Many good loans that should be financed […]

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

How to book a vacation rental home

While there is a growing abundance of options when it comes to booking a vacation home, many travelers still find the rental market a bit chaotic, at least compared to more traditional accommodations like hotels / motels. The rise in popularity of vacation rentals as a valuable alternative to more expensive hotels has resulted in […]

Pets admin 

Are Dog Rescue Adoption Contracts Turning Into Leases?

In my ongoing research on dog rescue groups, I have discovered an alarming change that some groups are making in their adoption contracts. A new article is being added to the contract that effectively gives the rescue group the “right” to Get back the dog you adopted to anytime in the future. A rescue group […]

Sports admin 

Tampa Bay Buccaneers tidbits

Those who live in the Miami area can, worried that they will be rejected from restaurants and country clubs, claim to be Dolphins fans, have growing fins and live underwater in their spare time. But Miami, like any other city in a state with multiple soccer teams, probably has its fair share of Tampa Bay […]

Tours Travel admin 

Sell ​​with shock, awe, theater and drama

If you can’t do your numbers and you’re stuck, maybe it’s time to present your story and product with more flair and drama. Pressing for the listing Daryl Hardy, who publishes Success magazine, sold real estate between the ages of 20 and 24. By getting expired real estate listings, he says he was determined that […]