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Why do boyfriends ignore their girlfriends?

Things started well. But now she calls you and writes to you less and less. The question why do boyfriends ignore their girlfriends many women speakers. So here are some explanations and suggestions on how to get your boyfriend’s attention back, so you can stop worrying about your relationship…

In fact, there are only two real reasons why boyfriends ignore their girlfriends:

1. He is really busy.

2. He is bored.

At the beginning of a relationship, it’s natural for the two of you to spend hours together: talking, texting, hanging out, etc. Since your boyfriend is aware of how fresh and fragile your relationship is, he will make spending time with you his top priority. He is in his hunting mode and chasing you is his goal.

However, as time passes, reality sets in. Eventually, your boyfriend will need to spend time managing other important things in his life: work, family, friends, laundry, housekeeping, etc. So, at some point, be prepared to stop being a priority for your boyfriend. In this case, he’s genuinely busy getting back to the life he had before you came on the scene, catching up on the chores he left behind while he was chasing you.

The only way you can tell if your boyfriend has been ignoring you is because he’s really busy, is by politely asking him what he’s been busy with. If he can give you a reasonable explanation and the alarm bells are not ringing in your head, trust him.

Also, since he is busy with his life, follow his lead, ignore him, and start concentrating on living your own life as well. If he is the right man for you, he will start wondering about you and start calling you. If he doesn’t get back to you in three days, at least his priorities are clear… and you move on in your life, instead of waiting for a guy who doesn’t deserve your time and love.

Another reason your boyfriend is genuinely busy is after the two of you fall out or he faces challenges in his life. Boyfriends are likely to ignore their girlfriends when they have problems to work out. Many women cannot understand the behavior of men because we handle life very differently: women prefer to discuss their problems with friends, while men prefer to hide and find solutions on their own. So if your boyfriend ignores you after a fight, he could be really busy trying to figure out how to avoid fighting with you again.

Give your boyfriend the time and space he needs and he will appreciate you for being understanding. If you are too impatient, he will feel pressured and frustrated that you are not giving him enough time to solve his problems. He will feel disrespected and he will find you nosy or worse, a scolding. If you want your boyfriend to love you more, give him space.

another real reason why do boyfriends ignore their girlfriends it is because they have become bored with the relationship. This usually happens when the woman doesn’t control the pace of the relationship and lets the man get too close too quickly. When this happens, a man is likely to lose interest easily. This happens because if he didn’t have to work hard to chase you, he is less likely to treasure you as his girlfriend. If you want to get his attention back, don’t initiate contact. Spend your time exercising so you can look great the next time he sees you. That will give you a good chance of regaining his interest.

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