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The 7 Best Road Manners

Now there are more cars on the road than ever before. Previously, not everyone could afford a car, but today there are a wide variety of options available to suit all budgets. Since public transportation is no longer the ideal mode of transportation, more people are driving to work. The sheer number of cars on the road is what causes congestion, so it is good practice for everyone to adopt healthy roadside manners.

We all have to share the roads we drive on, so we have to be courteous to each other. Here are seven good road manners to adopt.

  1. If you are in bumper-to-bumper traffic and there is a car in the left lane that needs to move into the right lane you are in, give them a gap in front of you. They may need to be in that lane to make a right turn at the intersection ahead.

  2. When another driver gives you a space ahead of them, be courteous and say thank you by flashing your hazard lights a couple of times. Flashing your hazard lights a couple of times is a general gesture of thanks on the roads.

  3. Do not follow another driver. Keep your driving distance and give the driver in front of you a comfortable space. You should be able to see the rear wheels of the car. If you can’t see the rear wheels, then you’re too close.

  4. Stay to the left and pass to the right. If there is more than one lane, stay in the left lane. If you need to pass, move to the right lane and get back into the left lane again. This allows all drivers to drive at their own pace within the speed limit.

  5. Allow pedestrians to cross at intersections, traffic lights, and crosswalks. Pedestrians are also road users. Stop your car and give them time to cross the street.

  6. Watch for motorcycles and bicyclists. If you check your mirrors and blind spots at the relevant times, you will notice bicyclists. If they approach you, be sure to give them plenty of room to pass. A distance of one meter from them is usually acceptable.

  7. Don’t brake too much. Some drivers drive with their foot on the brakes all the time and will apply them all the time for no good reason. This confused the drivers behind you. They are not sure if you are slowing down to stop or just to slow down. Also, such behavior can damage your brakes and you will have to go for brake repair more often.

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