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Perfect Abs For Teens – 5 Secret Ways A Teenager Can Build A Ripped Ab

The most common people who want six pack abs are teenagers. Teens want 6 packs for a simple reason. To impress the opposite sex. Teens want a 6-pack to look good on them. Teenage girls seem to love 6-packs and like guys in them. It shows that they are strong and it is a sexy look.

However, teens seem to be faced with foods that are enemies of 6-packs. Foods that put fat right above their abs. Foods such as hamburgers, pizzas, sweets, soft drinks and all kinds of junk food. It is very difficult to eat like a normal teenager and have a six pack. The ones that do, solve them enough.

However, when you’re trying to burn fat and build abdominal muscles, you need to know and follow these 5 Secret Ways On How A Teenager Can Build A Six Pack.

1) Avoid junk food

This is the hardest, but avoid processed and sugar-filled foods. Eat protein, healthy carbohydrates, vegetables and fruits. Studies show that it takes about 21 days to overcome temptations. So if you can hold out for 21 days, you can do it.

2) Consistency is key

Be consistent with your workouts. Train your abs 3-4 times a week with a variety of different exercises.

3) The right equipment

Investing in a good exercise mat for comfort and a medicine ball are two really good pieces of equipment to buy to add variety to your ab workouts. You don’t want your muscle to get used to the same workout. Do something new.

4) Run, Run, Run

And the type of cardiovascular exercise works. Running outside is a good opportunity to burn calories and enjoy the outdoors. Riding a bike is also very good.

5) Drink Water

Water keeps you hydrated and is very healthy for you. Drink water instead of sodas. The more sugar you eat, the less results will show.

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