Category: Tours Travel

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elusive bass fishing

bass fishing What is the best way to distract a fisherman? -Answer-Tell him that he just heard that his partner caught a Bass where he has been trying with no luck for the last 6 months. This is likely to see him end up in court on a charge of murder with intent to harm! […]

Tours Travel admin 

Spa hotels in Sri Lanka

Enjoy the relaxing vacation of a lifetime at Sri Lanka’s exquisite spa hotels offering the best in restful and restorative treatments. Sri Lanka is a haven for an enticing array of health, beauty and therapeutic spas, some of which are located in luxury hotels and many of which are located in various parts of the […]

Tours Travel admin 

Soda Jerks: Heroes of the Past

Originally, what was called a soda fountain was a device that dispensed carbonated soft drinks and sparkling water, but over time, it was used as a general term for an ice cream parlor and food counter, what we know as soda fountains. These began to appear in pharmacies and penny shops in the mid-19th century. […]

Tours Travel admin 

Texas Workers’ Compensation and Recovery of Overpaid Benefits: Injured Workers Have the Advantage

One of the hot dispute resolution issues before the Division of Workers’ Compensation these days is recovery. Recovery is an attempt by an insurance company to recover a claimant’s overpaid benefits by reducing the claimant’s future benefits by a fixed percentage until all overpaid benefits have been recovered. For years, it was an issue of […]