Author: admin

Relationship admin 

consequences of fornication

The great Isaac Newton stated in his third law of motion that “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” This means that every action has a reaction. In life everything we do, big or small, good or bad, has a consequence that can be positive or negative. The consequences can be abrupt […]

Lifestyle Fashion admin 

So what now?

I decided to share my thoughts in this article because every week I spend the day with Oprah and Super Soul Sunday. God I love that show! But very rarely do we get to take an up close and personal journey with someone as they seek the Oprah life experience. We always see the final […]

Sports admin 

The much misunderstood life of bears

The life of bears is greatly misunderstood, as is their association with humans. As bears have been forced out of their natural habitat, they have been forced into more contact with humans than is good for either species, so it is important for one species to better understand the other. Since bears can’t read, it’s […]

Arts Entertainments admin 

Who is Jorge Luis Borges?

Who was Jorge Luis Borges? To understand someone, you must first know some background to his life, as well as where and when he lived his life. Much can also be learned from Borges’ writing style. First of all, Jorge Luis Borges was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on August 24, 1899. Borges’s father was […]

Business admin 

Get Help: Free Business Plan Software

Perhaps the most difficult part of any business is the start-up phase. In fact, this idea applies to any business venture. To reduce the risk, a detailed plan should be prepared for proper guidance. This pre-opening strategy will help define goals and set goals. Today, modern technology has offered a variety of business plan software […]