Author: admin

Tours Travel admin 

Emerald and sapphire facial massage anyone?

One of the newest and most amazing spa therapies now being offered at the most progressive medical spas and resorts is the “gem lamp treatment” which uses rubies, sapphires, emeralds, diamonds and other precious stones in a special lamp. The lamp has a removable lens where the therapist places a precious faceted gemstone and the […]

Home Kitchen admin 

Aeron chair sizes

Herman Miller Aeron chairs were not only created to provide the user with certain health benefits and to make them feel as comfortable as possible. The Aeron chair was also designed to fit and adapt to the user. Unlike regular chairs, where you can see people who can’t even touch their toes to the floor, […]

Health Fitness admin 

Foolproof weight loss!

When it comes to losing weight, we can pull out a page of excuses longer than our weekend to-do list, for example, “The time is not right for me to change my lifestyle” or “The time is not right to deal with my weight and my diet. clothes” for this or that reason. Intellectually, we […]

Real Estate admin 

Four tips to find a good property abroad for sale

While it is not very difficult to find overseas property for sale, you need to make sure you make the right decision before investing. This is true of any investment, but when it comes to buying property abroad, unless you’re very familiar with all the angles, it’s easy to miss something. For one thing, it’s […]

Arts Entertainments admin 

karaoke history

Do you always keep a song in your heart, is it like karaoke for the voices in your head? -Robert Fulton Abernethy Music has been part of the development of all cultures in the world. The people had few forms of entertainment, and singing and dancing were the greatest among them. Karaoke emerged in Japan […]